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Who is the PFC?



All parents who have children attending Lupin Hill are a part of the PFC! We, together, are a non-profit organization whose purpose is to support our children’s educational needs. We are parents who are dedicated to improve and enhance our students’ learning environment. Commitment to quality education is paramount at Lupin Hill Elementary. We rely on the donation of time and resources by parents, teachers, staff, neighbors and our Community Partners to make Lupin Hill the best that it can be.

In addition to raising funds to support our teachers and student's learning environment. PFC holds fun family events through out the school year to enrich our student life and provide a strong community support for our families.

 who are a group of dedicated parents just like you running these events.

Got more ideas on making your child's elementary school experience an even better one? 

Interested in joining the PFC or volunteering at an event? We would love to hear from you!

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